So to start, my pregnancy was pretty uneventful unlike Willa's. At around 36 weeks I started having high blood pressure readings and was monitored a little more closely. I was scheduled to be induced on July 23rd at 39 weeks and 1 day just as a precaution with my high blood pressure. I was 2 cm dilated at 36 weeks and by 38 weeks I was 4 cm. Willa was born by c-section but I was trying for a VBAC this time if possible and my doctor said with me being dilated so much already I had a very good chance at being successful. We spent the weekend of July 21st-22nd with my sister in Wichita. We hung out by the pool and went to Tanganyika Wildlife Park (awesome place to visit!) to celebrate our last weekend as a family of three.
At around 4 am on the morning of July 22nd I got up to go to the bathroom and went back to bed. I was having trouble falling back asleep when I suddenly felt like a balloon popped in my stomach. I thought it was my water breaking so I woke up Mitch and called the on call OB to see if I should come in or wait a bit since I wasn't sure if my water broke or not. They told me to come on in to check things. So we called Mitch's mom to come over to the house to stay with Willa. We left the house a little before 5 am. As we got to the highway I got my first contraction. We drove on down the road and not 2 minutes later I got another one. I told Mitch he better step on it! The contractions were consistently 1-2 minutes the whole way to the hospital. I called the hospital on our way to let them know we were coming so they would be ready. We got there at 5:50 am in record time - about 50 minutes (usually a 1 hr & 15 minute drive). We were told to go to the ER and they just took their jolly time checking me in and doing paperwork. That was when I had a chance to look at a TV and noticed Princess Kate was also in labor.
They wheeled me up to the Delivery floor and checked us in to a triage room to be sure I was in labor. Ummm, yes I could have guaranteed that! I will never forget the nurse as she checked me said "Um I can't find your cervix". I about bust out laughing. Probably would have if I wasn't in so much pain. Thank goodness my doctor was already at the hospital for a scheduled c-section and she came in to check on me. She told everyone to get me to a delivery room right away. A nurse asked me if I wanted an epidural as I was wheeled down to the delivery room. I said yes! Finally some pain relief. Then I hear my doctor say there won't be time for that. OK this is not going to be fun...We got to the delivery room around 6:20 am. The nurses kept asking me if I felt like I needed to push and I kept saying no. Well, baby was stuck a bit. My doctor pushed the head a little and all of a sudden I felt it. I pushed for 10 minutes. I wish I could have a picture of Mitch's face during this part. He looked scared to death. Marshall David Hall was born at 6:35 am weighing 6 lbs 8 oz and 20 inches long. I think they were still trying to get my IV in after I had the baby. It all happened very, very fast. Poor Princess Kate was in labor for over 8 hours and mine lasted a little over 2 1/2 hours.
Later that day we were approached by one of the nurses asking if we would be willing to be interviewed since our baby shared the same birthday as Prince George. We agreed. When the news crew came in we were excited to see one of Via Christi's communications people that we worked closely with during Willa's stay in the NICU. She recognized us right away and we enjoyed visiting with her. We were shown on the local news later that day.
Willa came with Mitch's mom & grandma that afternoon. Willa loved on her brother and wanted to hold him. We took Willa down to see all her friends from the NICU and they were happy to see us all. My sister was in and out most of the day and brought us a wonderful meal that night. My mom came the next day and went to Anthony to stay with us for a couple nights while we got adjusted.
Here are a few pictures from the eventful day.
Such an exhausted Daddy! |
My most favorite picture ever! |
On the news! |
Day before Marshall's birthday at Tanganiyka Park |
Maternity pictures at 33 weeks if I remember correctly |