
Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween is over = Goodbye to the CPAP monster

You have to is a scary looking apparatuce!  Thursday Willa said no more CPAP!  I'm a big girl; give me the nasal cannula full-time.  So that is what they did!  She has been doing very well with the nasal cannula since.

While we are mentioning Halloween, I have to share a picture of what the nurses did for Willa.

If you can't read it, it says "Dear Docs, Can I please have some candy to help me grow a bit? Thanks, Willa"  Thought it was too cute!  The nurses make these scrapbook like pages when babies hit a milestone or when they get a good picture of the baby when the parents aren't around.  The nurses are so great!

I think the Docs did give Willa candy.  Today she is 1 lb 13 oz!  Her feeds are now up to 17 ml's every 3 hours.  Her latest brain scan came back negative.  I was visiting with one of her doctors yesterday and he said she was doing exceptional!  What a wonderful thing to hear!  We had public relations come talk to us today and they would like us to share our story for advertising purposes for the NICU and the maternal fetal medicine specialist I went to during the pregnancy.  We will see what that will all entail.
Here is Willa snoozing away yesterday :)  Happy one month birthday Willa!

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