It's been waaaay to long since a blog post. Time to catch up with some updates! Lets start with Willa's surgery.
So Willa's surgery went well. It took most of the morning and then we were finally reunited with her after lunch. They put the spring in the PDA valve. The procedure took a little longer than planned because they wanted to take some extra measurements. They discovered Willa had pulmonary hypertension (high blood pressure in her lungs). So when she woke up from the surgery she was having a hard time keeping her oxygen saturation up. We stayed the night in the hospital with her. It was a long night. She was not able to move around being hooked up to all the wires and IV's and she had oxygen tubes all over. She was a trooper though. She did alot of cuddling with mom and dad the rest of the day and night. We were sent home with oxygen equipment which she wore while she slept (this was a constant struggle to keep this on her face let me tell you). She was finally allowed to get rid of the oxygen in December. She is still on two medications which I cannot pronounce. One is to help keep any fluid from building up around her heart and the other is for her pulmonary hypertension. The medication for the pulmonary hypertension is actually the same thing as Viagra. No kidding! I guess that drug was originally developed to treat pulmonary hypertension but had some side effects for the male population that took the drug.

Not quite a month after her surgery we celebrated Willa's birthday at our house. The weather cooperated beautifully. It was so nice outside! Willa's first birthday theme was rainbows. It was our way to celebrate William also! Ever since he passed rainbows will appear in the sky out of no where and then be gone. My sister has quite a few pictures of the rainbow appearances. William's headstone was set just in time to celebrate their first birthdays.
Halloween came next and our little lady bug got alot of treats!
Thanksgiving was spent in Tipton and we didn't get any pictures from that holiday, but we did go eat some excellent German food at the Tipton Germanfest. Willa also learned how to polka!
Would there be any question that Willa would be spoiled on her first Christmas at home? I think Santa kept things within reason, but that doesn't mean that grandparents, aunts and uncle did!
She wasn't quite sure what to think of the man with the big white beard and red suit. She didn't cry though!
We went to a Christmas tree farm in Wichita to pick out the perfect tree. Mitch had to do the chopping. He says I'm too picky!
Christmas Eve pictures - I love William's angel wing ornament appearing in this one.
Christmas Eve pictures - Willa really does smile. This was waaaay past bedtime.
Santa came!!!
Today Willa went in for her last synagis shot. This is the shot that help prevent her from contracting RSV during the height of the season. RSV was especially bad this year so I am so greatful she was able to get this. It is not a cheap shot - $90 per visit, which is once every month from November through March. It seems like a small price to pay for her to stay out of the hospital though.
Overall she is doing great. She weighed in at 19 pounds today. So she is stil petite for her age. She has caught up to her actual age with all development. She is walking all over and talking up a storm. She says "Hi daddy" when Mitch gets home. One of her first words was "please". She quickly learned that got her cookies from Grandpa Dave. She is also very good at the word "no". Oh boy! I'm sure next will be the word "why". Fun times ahead!