I went to visit Willa on Saturday and noticed something was missing. It took me a second to figure it out, but then it hit me. Her IV was gone! Yay! This means she is getting all her nutrition and medication orally. No more poking! The nurse came over to give me an update on how she was doing and told me her weight - 1 lb 12 oz. I couldn't believe it! I made her repeat it and double check to be sure that was correct. It was; Willa gained 3 oz in a day. Wow! We are very anxious for the day she hits 2 lbs! Her feeds are up to 15 mL every 3 hours. They are also fortifying the milk to give her some extra calories to help her put on the weight. They also upped her time on nasal cannula from 3 hours to 6 hours. So she is on a 6 hour rotation between the cannula and CPAP. She is now 13 1/4 inches long.
As I mentioned in my previous post, she has found her hands. While it is cute to see her starting to use them more, it is a pain for the nurses. She has now pulled out her OG tube (the tube going down her mouth to her tummy to feed her) twice now! This has caused her to start vomiting and gets her pretty worked up and she starts having bradys like crazy. Willa's hands have been "taken away" from her from the time being. They don't make baby mittens small enough for her hands so they found the smallest ones they could find and have tied them on with ribbon. Hopefully this prevents any more tube pulling.
Grandpa Jimmy and Grandma Net brought Great Grandma Marshall to meet Willa for the first time on Sunday. It was so good to see them all again. Willa and Dad got to take a 3 hour nap later that day. Willa was also very busy getting Halloween cards made out to her other NICU neighbors, but she got it done just in time :)
spring is in the air
5 years ago